Oussama Zekri

I am currently a Student Researcher at ENS Paris-Saclay, in the mathematics department, and an intern in the GTSBrain team at Huawei, under the supervision of Dr. Ievgen Redko.

Prior to that, I was an intern at System Optimization Laboratory at Kyoto University, working on convex optimization, with Dr. Ellen H. Fukuda, Dr. Bruno F. Lourenço and Dr. Tianxiang Liu. The paper related to this work is currently being submitted.

I was also an intern at Centre Borelli at ENS Paris-Saclay, working on time series and optimal transport, with Pr. Laurent Oudre and Dr. Thibaut Germain.

I am interested in applied mathematics, especially optimization and its interaction with machine learning. I also like to transmit my knowledge.

I have been giving "colles" since September 2022. These are weekly oral examinations in mathematics for undergraduates. I am examining in PCSI at lycée Turgot (2022-2023), and in PC*1 at lycée Louis Le Grand (2022-now). You can find most of the exercises I have given, with their answers, on this page.

I also maintain a research blog, called logB, with my friend Ambroise Odonnat!

For more details, you can view my resume/CV. Feel free to contact me by e-mail at: oussama.zekri@ens-paris-saclay.fr

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